A Vedic Perspective on Codependency
Author :: Jess Marie 🌻 CVC, CAHC, INHC, E-RYT
Codependency is a complex, psychological condition that is difficult to overcome, for it’s an interference of one’s consciousness that causes an inability to lead a fulfilling life. It often involves an excessive focus on the needs & desires of others to the detriment of one's own well-Being, and can be the result of past trauma, low Self-esteem, and a range of other factors.
codependency is an addiction that’s unconsciously motivated, working to counter to the conscious effort needed to attain individuation & Self realization.
Codependency is a behavior pattern in which an individual develops a dysfunctional relationship with another person, or substance. In this relationship, the codependent individual takes on the role of caretaker, enabling, or rescuer, while neglecting their own needs & boundaries. Codependency is also known as a result of not having &/or maintaining healthy boundaries. Those who’re codependent attach to anyone & everyone, and end up existing with inauthentic, in-genuine personality.
This overall pattern of behavior can have significant negative effects on an individual's mental, emotional, and physical health.
From a Vedic perspective, codependency is seen as a manifestation of imbalance in the mind, body, and spirit, and requires a multifaceted approach to healing & recovery. More specifically, it’s an imbalance of one’s constitution: the three doshas / bodily energies which govern various aspects of physical, mental, and emotional health. When these doshas are in balance, an individual experiences optimal health & well-Being, while imbalances can lead to a range of health issues, including codependency.
healing codependency
The Vedic approach to healing codependency involves addressing the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of one’s mental health state. This may involve working with a therapist or counselor (like me! 🌻) to identify & address underlying emotional patterns & triggers, as well as developing healthy boundaries & Self-care practices. Other action steps included may be developing a personalized diet plan, incorporating movement practices, and developing a spiritual practice to support one’s mental & emotional well-Being. Developing a personalized plan for healing & recovery, as well as engaging in regular Self-reflection & Self-care practices, is highly recommended.
One key aspect of the Vedic approach to healing codependency is the recognition that the condition is rooted in patterns of thought & behavior that have developed over time. These patterns may be deeply ingrained, and may require ongoing effort & attention to overcome.
Results of Healing from Codependency ::
Increased Self-Awareness: Healing from codependency brings a newfound sense of Self-awareness. You will learn to recognize your own needs, desires, and boundaries more clearly. You will gain a deeper understanding of your emotions, motivations, and patterns of behavior.
Enhanced Self-Esteem: As codependency is healed, Self-esteem grows stronger. You begin to prioritize your own well-Being, focusing on Self-care & Self-love. The approval & validation you once sought from others will be replaced by a genuine sense of Self-worth.
Healthy, Balanced Relationships: One of the most significant results of healing codependency is the ability to form healthy, balanced relationships. You will no longer be overly reliant on others for emotional support, and you’ll gain the ability to establish boundaries that protect your own well-Being while respecting the needs of others.
Improved Communication Skills: Healing codependency often leads to improved communication skills. You will learn to express your thoughts, feelings, and needs effectively without fear or guilt. You develop active listening skills, empathy, and assertiveness, which promote more open & honest communication in your relationships.
Personal Growth & Development: When codependency is healed, personal growth and development flourish. You can focus on your own goals, passions, and interests, and pursue them with dedication & enthusiasm. You will become resilient, adaptable, and better equipped to face life's challenges.
Emotional Independence: Healing codependency fosters emotional independence. You will learn to regulate your own emotions, finding healthy ways to cope with stress & difficult situations. You no longer seek external validation or rely on others to fill emotional voids, as you will have developed a strong sense of Self-sufficiency.
Freedom from Enabling & Rescuing Behaviors: Individuals who heal from codependency break free from enabling & rescuing behaviors. You will no longer feel compelled to fix or rescue others, understanding that everyone is responsible for their own actions & choices. This newfound freedom will allow you to focus on your own growth & well-Being.
Sense of Empowerment: Healing codependency brings a profound sense of empowerment. Individuals regain control over their lives, making decisions based on their own values and needs rather than seeking external validation or approval. You will feel empowered to set boundaries, make choices, and live an authentic life.
Codependency can have significant negative effects on an individual's mental, emotional, and physical health. From a Vedic perspective, codependency is the manifestation of imbalances in the mind, body, and spirit, and requires a multifaceted approach to healing & recovery.
“I can’t express how grateful I am for Jess’ support in healing my codependency. Her compassionate & holistic approach rooted in Vedic wisdom, helped me understand the roots of my codependent behavior. With her guidance, I’ve made incredible progress in regaining my sense of Self and nourishing healthier relationships.”
connect with your true self and live a more authentic life
As a Vedic Counselor, I can support you by developing a personalized health plan for healing & recovery, implementing healthy boundaries, mental health-based diet guidelines, Self-care, Self inquiry, spiritual practices, etc. so you can overcome your codependency and achieve greater health & well-Being on all levels!
I recommend working with a qualified Vedic Counselor (like me! 🌻) if you’re seeking support with codependency, as we as guidance through mental health challenges.
Jess Marie 🌻
Jess is a multi-certified, multi-faceted Vedic professional & business consultant. She offers wellness offerings to support those seeking a more holistic & integrative approach to healing, as well as business support services for professionals in the health, wellness & spirituality fields.