the meraki method :: An Integrative Approach to Mental Health & Healing

an integrative approach to mental health & healing - the meraki method

Author :: Jess Marie 🌻 CVC, CAHC, INHC, E-RYT

the meraki method is an integrative approach to mental health & healing with a foundation in three holistic healing disciplines: Vedic Counseling, Integrative Psychology and Spiritual Alchemy. These three disciplines are powerful tools for personal transformation & spiritual growth, emphasizing the importance of connecting with one’s innermost Self & the Divine. Each discipline offers unique insights & techniques for achieving this connection.

Vedic Counseling

Vedic Counseling is a specialized consciousness-based discipline that draws on the principles of Vedic sciences to provide a deeper understanding of an individual's life & challenges, with a focus on mental health. Vedic Counseling recognizes the interconnectedness of body, mind, and spirit and offers personalized guidance & support for achieving greater balance & well-Being. It draws on the ancient wisdom of Ayurvedic Psychology, Yoga Psychology, and other Vedic sciences to provide a comprehensive approach to healing & Self-discovery.


integrative psychology

The following psychological branches are incorporated into the meraki method ::

  • Yoga Psychology

  • Ayurvedic Psychology

  • Alchemical Psychology

  • Transpersonal / Spiritual Psychology

  • Integrative Health Psychology



Vedic & Spiritual Alchemy is an ancient practice that originated in the Middle East & Europe during the medieval period. It’s a spiritual discipline that involves the transformation of the Self from a base or imperfect state to a more evolved / enlightened state. Spiritual Alchemy involves a range of practices, including meditation, contemplation, ritual, and symbolic interpretation, and draws heavily on the language & symbolism of alchemical texts. The symbolic language and range of practices offers one an understanding of the process of transformation and for working with the inner alchemical processes of the psyche.

The relationship between Vedic Counseling, Integrative Psychology and Spiritual Alchemy lies in their shared emphasis on Self-transformation & spiritual growth, offering a framework for exploring the deepest levels of the Self. Each discipline recognizes that true transformation occurs at the deepest levels of the Self, beyond the surface of the ego &/or personality. They all offer techniques for accessing the transpersonal / spiritual realm and for connecting with the Divine.

Jess has been a guiding light in my healing journey. Her knowledge & wisdom is outstanding, and her guidance has been incredibly effective. I’ve learned to manage my depression & rediscover joy in life. I’m deeply grateful for Jess.
— a happy client

an integrative approach to mental health & healing - the meraki method

Experience a deeper understanding of your Self & the universe.

Vedic Counseling, Integrative Psychology and Spiritual Alchemy offer powerful tools for personal transformation & spiritual growth. Each discipline offers unique insights & techniques for accessing the spiritual realm and for connecting with the Divine. By combining these disciplines, one can achieve a more comprehensive understanding of the Self & the universe, working towards greater balance, well-Being, and spiritual fulfillment.

If you're interested in exploring Vedic Counseling for mental health support, be sure to seek care from a qualified Vedic counselor (like me! 🌻) to learn more about this ancient & effective approach to healing.

Jess Marie, CVC, CAHC, INHC, RYT

Jess Marie 🌻

Jess is a multi-certified, multi-faceted Vedic professional & business consultant. She offers wellness offerings to support those seeking a more holistic & integrative approach to healing, as well as business support services for professionals in the health, wellness & spirituality fields.

post Sources

The following website provide many resources for prospective clients, students, & professionals ::

  • American Institute of Vedic Studies (Link)

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