Seasonal Self-Work :: Aligning with The Wheel of the Year
Author :: Jess Marie 🌻 CVC, CAHC, INHC, E-RYT
My commitment to Self Work has been profoundly impacted by the cyclical nature of The Wheel of the Year. Each Sabbat offers a unique opportunity for reflection, growth, and renewal, mirroring the seasons of life and the continuous cycle of birth, growth, death, and rebirth. The Wheel of the Year acts as a yearly, consistent structure for my spiritual journey, guiding me through the ebb & flow of life's rhythms. Whether celebrating the abundance of Lammas or embracing the introspective energy of Samhain, each Sabbat serves as a reminder to honor the cycles of nature, cultivate gratitude, and align with the divine within & without.
‘Sabbat’ & ‘Sabbath’ are both terms that reference spiritual days of rest or worship, but they are used in different contexts:
‘Sabbat’ typically refers to the Pagan festivals / holidays / celebrations that celebrate the changing of seasons.
‘Sabbath’ is commonly associated with the Jewish or Christian day of worship & rest, typically observed on Sundays or Saturdays, respectively.
‘Sabbat’ is rooted in nature-based spiritual practices, while ‘Sabbath’ is tied to religious traditions.
the wheel of the year
The Wheel of the Year refers to the cycle of the seasons, which is celebrated in many cultures & spiritual practices. Each season has its own unique energy & symbolism, which can be used for personal growth & transformation. The Wheel of the Year is a literal cyclical calendar that marks the changing of the seasons and the various phases of nature's growth & decay. It’s celebrated in many spiritual & religious traditions, primarily Paganism, Druidry and other earth-centered belief systems.
It’s essential to honor the interconnectedness of all living Beings & the natural world. By recognizing the Divine within one’s self and every aspect of creation, one can cultivate a deep sense of reverence & respect for the Earth. This perspective encourages mindful & sustainable practices that align with the principles of harmony, balance, and reciprocity. Through rituals, ceremonies, and daily practices, Paganism seek to strengthen one’s connection to the spiritual forces that permeate the Universe, fostering a sense of belonging & purpose in the world.
The eight Sabbats of The Wheel of the Year, deeply rooted in nature-based spiritual practices, mark the changing seasons and the cycles of the Earth. Each Sabbat holds its own unique significance & rituals, guiding individuals to attune themselves with the energies of the natural world.
The four of the eight Sabbats are dedicated to the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. There are two equinoxes & two solstices ::
The equinoxes, Ostara (Spring Equinox) & Mabon (Autumn Equinox), occur when day & night are of equal length.
The solstices, Litha (Summer Solstice) & Yule (Winter Solstice), mark the longest & shortest days of the year, respectively.
These specific Sabbats are celebrated to honor the changing seasons, abundance, introspection, and renewal, aligning individuals with the cycles of nature and the energy of the Earth.
The Wheel of the Year Calendar ::
Northern Hemisphere:
Yule: December 21st
Imbolc: February 2nd
Ostara: March 21st
Beltane: May 1st
Litha: June 21st
Lammas/Lughnasadh: August 1st
Mabon: September 21st
Samhain: October 31st
Southern Hemisphere:
Yule: June 21st
Imbolc: August 1st
Ostara: September 21st
Beltane: October 31st
Litha: December 21st
Lammas/Lughnasadh: February 2nd
Mabon: March 21st
Samhain: May 1st
From the solstices & equinoxes that anchor the wheel to the cross-quarter days that lie between, these sacred celebrations invite one to honor the interconnectedness of all life and the eternal dance of birth, growth, death, and rebirth. Whether through feasting, dhyāna (meditation), crafting, or communal gatherings, the Sabbats offer opportunities for reflection, gratitude, and renewal as we journey through the ever-turning wheel of time.
❄️ Winter ❄️
In the Northern Hemisphere, The Wheel of the Year begins with Yule, The Winter Solstice, which marks the longest night & shortest day of the year, symbolizing the return of the light. This is a time to celebrate the turning of the wheel and the promise of new growth & renewal. The energy of winter encourages inward reflection, deeper connection with one’s higher Self & innate wisdom, and preparation for the next cycle of growth & expansion. This a period of darkness & introspection, ideal for reflecting on the past year and setting intentions for the future.
From the Vedic perspective, winter is associated with the element of earth, which represents stability, grounding, and foundation. As the natural world slows down & goes inward, winter invites one to do the same through rest & introspection. This season's energy encourages us to recharge & prepare for future growth & expansion; by embracing winter's call for rest & introspection, one can lay a strong foundation for future personal & spiritual development.
From a Pagan perspective, winter is a time of introspection, rest, and renewal. It honors the cycle of death & rebirth, with nature appearing dormant while preparing for spring.
The Winter Solstice, Yule, is celebrated as the longest night of the year, marked by rituals & festivities to welcome the return of the sun & the lengthening of days. Traditions often emphasize connecting with one’s Self, practicing gratitude, and embracing the darkness as a time of transformation & growth.
Imbolc marks the midpoint between The Winter Solstice & The Spring Equinox, symbolizing new beginnings, growth, and the return of light & warmth. Traditionally, it’s a time for purification and preparing the land for planting. Imbolc encourages reflection, renewal, and embracing the increasing daylight as winter transitions to spring.
From a Spiritual Alchemy perspective, the winter is a time of introspection & purification, known as the Albedo stage. This involves turning inward to confront & refine parts of the Self that may have been avoided. Winter is a time to release what no longer serves one’s highest interest & intentions, and to cultivate inner peace & clarity.
This season's energy invites one to dive deep into their inner world, confronting & cleansing the aspects of Self that no longer serve their highest good. Winter's introspective nature supports the work of transmuting inner darkness, allowing the release of old wounds, negative patterns, and repressed emotions. This period of introspection & purification sets the foundation for personal transformation, preparing one to emerge renewed and ready for the growth & expansion that comes with spring. Through the alchemical process of winter, one can foster more easefulness in spiritual growth and in cultivating deeper Self-awareness.
Practice Inspiration ::
Yoga āsana (postures), dhyāna (meditation), and quiet contemplation can support one in connecting with & attuning to innate wisdom.
Winter is also a time for Self-care; this calls for the nurturing body & soul through nourishing foods, warm drinks, and cozy activities.
It’s highly recommend to use this time to slow down and take care of all aspects of your entire Being, focusing on replenishing one’s energy and preparing for the next cycle of growth. Embrace stillness & silence
Winter, marked by The Winter Solstice / Yule & Imbolc, is a season of introspection, rest, and renewal. Both Vedic & Pagan perspectives emphasize the importance of going inward, reflecting, and preparing for future growth. Spiritual Alchemy views winter as a time for purification & transmutation, encouraging the release of what is no longer necessary and cultivating inner peace & clarity. Engaging in reflective & Self-care practices during this season supports spiritual growth & nourishment, and the journey toward attaining a highesr state of consciousness.
🌸 Spring 🌸
Spring is a season of rebirth & renewal. This is a time when the energy of nature is awakened & renewed, an opportunity to tap into this energy & experience one’s own spiritual rebirth.
From the Vedic perspective, spring is a time of great spiritual significance. Spring is associated with the element of air, which represents the qualities of movement, change, and growth. It’s a time of great transformation, as the world comes to life once again after the dormancy of winter.
Spring represents a time of great transformation, as nature awakens from the dormancy of winter and bursts into new life. The air element’s dynamic & revitalizing energy encourages one to embrace change, fostering both personal & spiritual growth. As the natural world rejuvenates & blossoms, one is invited to shed old patterns, renew intentions, and align with the vibrant, transformative energy of spring. This season offers a powerful opportunity to embark on new beginnings and cultivate a deeper connection with one’s higher Self and the surrounding world.
From a Pagan perspective, spring is a time of new beginnings & fresh starts. The earth awakens from its winter slumber, and new growth emerges from the soil. It’s a time to let go of old patterns & beliefs that no longer serve one’s best interest & intentions, and to embrace new opportunities for growth & Self-discovery. This can be a challenging process, as it often requires confrontation of one’s deepest fears & insecurities, but it’s also a time of great potential & possibility.
Spring is celebrated as Ostara, The Spring Equinox, a time when day & night are of equal length, symbolizing the balance between light & dark. Ostara marks the moment when the light begins to prevail, heralding longer days and the promise of warmth & growth. This period of equilibrium serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of balance in one’s life, both externally in nature and internally within one’s Self. The Spring Equinox invites one to harmonize their energies, an opportunity to plant seeds—both literal & metaphorical—setting intentions for the future and embracing the potential for new beginnings. Ostara's energy encourages us to align with the natural rhythms of the earth, fostering a deeper connection to the cycles of growth and transformation that define our spiritual journey.
Beltane is a festival that marks the beginning of summer. It symbolizes fertility, growth, and the blossoming of life. People traditionally light bonfires, dance, and perform rituals to honor the Earth's energy & fertility during this time. It’s a time of joy, renewal, and connection with nature, encouraging all to embrace the vibrant energy of the season.
From a Spiritual Alchemy perspective, spring is a time of renewal & transformation, resonating with the alchemical process of Rubedo, or reddening. This stage represents the integration & embodiment of spiritual insights gained during the introspective winter months.
Spring's vibrant energy facilitates the transmutation of oone’sur inner darkness into light, encouraging the manifestation of our highest potential. It’s a period to actively engage in Self Work by applying the wisdom & clarity achieved through previous inner reflection. Spring's dynamic & revitalizing force supports the shedding of old patterns and the blossoming of one’s true essence. By embracing this transformative energy, one can cultivate new growth, align with one’s authentic purpose, and foster a deeper connection to their spiritual path.
Practice Inspiration ::
The spring equinox is celebrated with rituals & ceremonies that honor the energy of the spring season. This may include planting flower, fruit, and vegetable seeds and making offerings to the earth, as well as dhyāna (meditation) and visualization that focus on the themes of growth, renewal, and transformation.
One of the key Self Work benefits of spring is the opportunity to nourish one’s relationship with Self and tap into one’s deepest desires & aspirations. This can be done through a variety of spiritual practices, such as dhyāna (meditation), journaling, and spending time in nature. By tuning into one’s inner wisdom, one can gain greater clarity & insight into one’s purpose & path in life, taking steps to align one’s actions with one’s truest / highest Self.
Another important benefit of spring is the opportunity to practice gratitude & cultivate a positive mindset. As the surrounding world comes to life, it can be easy to get caught up in the busyness & chaos of daily life. However, by taking the time to appreciate the beauty & abundance of nature, one can cultivate a sense of gratitude & positivity that can have a profound impact on one’s mental & emotional well-Being.
In addition to these spiritual & Self Work benefits, spring is also a time of great physical healing & rejuvenation. This is a time when one’s body is naturally inclined towards detoxification & cleansing, making it an ideal time to embark on a spring cleanse or detox. By supporting one’s body natural healing processes, we can boost the immune system, increase energy levels, and promote overall health & vitality.
Spring is a time of great spiritual & Self Work opportunity. The power of spring is undeniable, and it offers a powerful opportunity to deepen one’s spiritual practice and connect with the essence of one’s Being. By connecting with the energy of the season and embracing the opportunities for growth & transformation that it presents, one can tap into one’s deepest potential and live a more fulfilling & purposeful life. Whether through spiritual practices, Self-care routines, or simply taking time to appreciate the beauty of nature, there are many ways to embrace the transformative power of spring and experience its many benefits for mind | body | spirit.
☀️ Summer ☀️
Summer is a time of warmth, growth, and abundance. It’s a time of great transformation, as it’s the season of The Great Work. Summer is known as the peak of in-process transformation, a time when one can fully embody one’s true Self and live in alignment with one’s highest purpose.
From the Vedic perspective, summer is a time for Self-reflection, inner work, and purification. Once can use the energy of the season to purify the mind & body, shedding old patterns & habits that no longer serve one’s best interest. Summer is associated with the element of fire, which represents transformation, purification, and illumination. This is a time when the sun is at its highest point, and its fiery energy can be felt all around us. This energy can be harnessed to support one’s own transformation & growth.
From a Pagan perspective, the significance of summer is celebrated during Litha, The Summer Solstice, marking the longest day of the year. This is a time of celebration, as the abundance of the natural world is at its peak. The energy of the sun is at its strongest, and one can tap into this energy to support their own growth & transformation.
Lammas, also known as Lughnasadh in Gaelic traditions, marks the first harvest festival of the year. It signifies the halfway point between The Summer Solstice & The Autumn Equinox. This festival honors the agricultural cycles of planting, growth, and harvesting, reminding us of the importance of gratitude for the abundance provided by the Earth. It’s a time for giving thanks for the bountiful harvest and preparing for the coming season of autumn & winter.
From a Spiritual Alchemy perspective, summer corresponds to the Citrinitas stage, symbolizing enlightenment & spiritual fruition. This season's abundant energy & warmth encourage one to fully express & integrate the inner transformations achieved during the preceding months.
Summer's vibrant force is ideal for manifesting the inner work into the external world, as the peak of sunlight & life represents the illumination of one’s highest truths & potentials. Engaging in Self Work during summer involves embracing the full expression of one’s authentic Self, actively living true to one’s values & insights. The alchemical process during this time emphasizes the embodiment of wisdom, where the insights gained through introspection & purification are actualized in daily life. Summer's expansive energy supports the flourishing of one’s spiritual journey, fostering a deeper connection with the surrounding world s and inspiring one to share their light & growth with others.
Practice Inspiration ::
Summer is a time for celebration, and one can honor the abundance of the natural world by engaging in joyful activities: dancing, singing, and spending time with cherished ones.
One can also make offerings to the natural world, giving thanks for the abundance of the season and showing our gratitude for all that it provides.
Purification during summer involve practices like dhyāna (meditation), Yoga āsana (postures), or prāṇāyāma (breathwork), which helps to connect with one’s higher Self and access the transformative power of the season.
Summer is a powerful time of transformation, growth, and abundance. By tapping into the energy of the summer season and engaging in practices that support inner work, one can deepen one’s spiritual connection and move grow closer to being in a higher state of consciousness. Through celebration & gratitude, one can honor the abundance of the natural world and connect with the divine energy that surrounds us all.
🍁 Autumn 🍁
Autumn is a season of change & transition. Autumn is seen as a time to face fears and embrace the darkness, so that one can move forward into the light of the next cycle.
From the Vedic perspective, autumn is also associated with the element of air, which represents movement, change, and transformation. This is a time when the leaves begin to change color & fall from the trees, signaling the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. The energy of autumn invites one to reflect on the past and release what no longer serves one’s highest interest & intentions, making space for new growth & transformation.
From a Pagan perspective, the significance of autumn is celebrated during The Autumn Equinox, marking the balance between light & dark. This is a time to celebrate the harvest and the abundance of the natural world, while also acknowledging the impending darkness of winter. The energy of autumn encourages one to find balance in their life and prepare for the coming season of introspection & reflection.
Mabon, also known as The Autumn Equinox, holds great significance as a time of balance & reflection. This celebration marks the midpoint between the summer & winter solstices. During Mabon, day & night are of equal length, symbolizing harmony & equilibrium. Many celebrate by giving thanks for the harvest, expressing gratitude, and preparing for the coming season of introspection & renewal.
Samhain is a significant festival, marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. It’s believed to be a time when the veil between the physical world & the spirit world is at its thinnest, allowing for easier communication & connection to ‘the other side’. Many people honor their ancestors, reflect on the past year, and prepare for the dark months ahead during this sacred time.
From a Spiritual Alchemy perspective, autumn corresponds to the Nigredo stage, symbolizing decomposition and the initial phase of transformation. As the season of harvest, autumn invites one to reflect on what we have cultivated and to begin the process of letting go. This period is marked by the shedding of old layers, much like the falling leaves, encouraging one to release outdated beliefs, patterns, and behaviors that hinder their growth.
Autumn's energy supports deep introspection and the acknowledgment of one’s shadow aspect, those parts of the Self that may have neglected or repressed. Engaging in Self Work during autumn involves confronting these shadows with compassion & understanding, creating space for healing & renewal. The alchemical process of autumn emphasizes transformation through acceptance & surrender, preparing for the purification & clarity that winter will bring. By embracing autumn's lessons of release & reflection, one sets the tone & groundwork for profound personal & spiritual evolution.
Practice Inspiration ::
One can use the energy of the season to reflect on the past and release what no longer serves their highest interest & intentions, making space for new growth & transformation. This can involve practices like journaling, dhyāna (meditation), and spending time in nature, which helps connect with one’s higher Self and gain clarity on the path forward.
Autumn is also a time for gratitude, as one gives thanks for the abundance of the natural world and all that one has received. One can make offerings to the natural world, expressing gratitude and honoring the cycles of life & death. This helps strengthen the connect with the divine energy that surrounds us all and reminds one of the interconnectedness of all things.
Autumn is a powerful time of change, reflection, and transformation. By tapping into the energy of the autumn season and engaging in practices that support inner work, one can deepen one’s spiritual connection with the natural world & Source / the Divine / the Universe and move closer to reaching higher states of consciousness. Through gratitude and honoring the cycles of life & death, one can connect with the divine energy that surrounds us all and move forward with clarity & purpose.
Understanding the spiritual significance of The Wheel of the Year and the changing of the seasons can provide a powerful framework for Self Work. The Wheel of the Year provides a framework for connecting with the cycles of nature and aligning with the energy of the seasons. By honoring & celebrating the turning of the wheel, one can deepen their connection to the earth & the cosmos, and gain greater insight into one’s own spiritual journey.
Honor the Cyclical Nature of Self Work
For those committed to the path of Self Work & spiritual evolution, the cyclical nature of The Wheel of the Year provides a consistent framework for growth & transformation. Each Sabbat serves as a sacred reminder of the eternal cycle of birth, growth, death, and rebirth that weaves through the tapestry of existence. As one attunes to the rhythms of the seasons, one is guided on a journey of Self-discovery & renewal, deepening the connection with the divine within one’s Self and within their surroundings.
I offer personalized guidance to help you integrate these practices into your life. Together, we will create a harmonious & balanced approach to supporting your health, well-Being, and spiritual connection. Begin your journey of aligning your Self Work with the Sabbats as a framework, and discover a deeper, more meaningful connection to the cycles of nature & your higher Self.
Jess Marie 🌻
Jess is a multi-certified, multi-faceted Vedic professional & business consultant. She offers wellness offerings to support those seeking a more holistic & integrative approach to healing, as well as business support services for professionals in the health, wellness & spirituality fields.