Explore Jess’ written work on popular Vedic topics, mental health, spirituality, Self Work & more!
Reaping the Spiritual Harvest :: Cultivating Inner Abundance During Lammas
As one journeys through the cyclical rhythms of The Wheel of the Year, each Sabbat offers a sacred opportunity for introspection, growth, and spiritual renewal. Among these revered festivals, Lammas, also known as Lughnasadh, stands as a celebration of the first harvest and the waning of summer's light.
honoring the sun :: Sūryanamaskāra for The Summer Solstice
Performing 108 Sun Salutations during the Summer Solstice is a way to honor the sun's power and invite its abundant energy into one’s life.
Embracing the Midsummer Light :: Litha & the Radiance of Self Discovery
As one journeys through the cyclical rhythms of The Wheel of the Year, each Sabbat offers a sacred opportunity for introspection, growth, and spiritual renewal. Among these revered festivals, Litha stands as a celebration of The Summer Solstice and the height of the sun's power.
Ayurvedic Guidance for the Pitta Season of Summer
In Ayurveda, Summer represents the height of Pitta season, characterized by heat, intensity, and transformation. This season mirrors the qualities of Pitta dosha: hot, sharp, light, and intense. To maintain balance during this season, we must skillfully work with these fiery qualities, cultivating coolness and ease while channeling the season's abundant energy.