Explore Jess’ written work on popular Vedic topics, mental health, spirituality, Self Work & more!
Reaping the Spiritual Harvest :: Cultivating Inner Abundance During Lammas
As one journeys through the cyclical rhythms of The Wheel of the Year, each Sabbat offers a sacred opportunity for introspection, growth, and spiritual renewal. Among these revered festivals, Lammas, also known as Lughnasadh, stands as a celebration of the first harvest and the waning of summer's light.
honoring the sun :: Sūryanamaskāra for The Summer Solstice
Performing 108 Sun Salutations during the Summer Solstice is a way to honor the sun's power and invite its abundant energy into one’s life.
Embracing the Midsummer Light :: Litha & the Radiance of Self Discovery
As one journeys through the cyclical rhythms of The Wheel of the Year, each Sabbat offers a sacred opportunity for introspection, growth, and spiritual renewal. Among these revered festivals, Litha stands as a celebration of The Summer Solstice and the height of the sun's power.