Michelle Hill | Intuitive Healing

I wholeheartedly recommend Michelle, a Reiki Master/Teacher, Galactic Shaman, channel, intuitive healer, and ascension guide. She’s an incredible resource for anyone seeking to further their spiritual connection, align with their soul and embark on their soul’s awakening journey.

Michelle has supported me immensely in the past with intuitive healing. From relationship issues to career doubts, she is my ‘intuitive therapist.’ - Jess Marie 🌻

more about michelle

“I grew obsessed with learning about holistic ways to heal my body. I completely changed my diet and lifestyle. I studied at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, earning my integrative health coaching certificate. I also grew passionate about enhancing my spiritual knowledge, so I attended many classes, workshops, online trainings and attained several certifications. I am obsessed with building my intuition, and I am very particular about who I choose as mentors and advisors. My life purpose is helping others heal, and my mission in this lifetime is to help with the nuances of cleansing the body, mind and soul in preparation for spiritual ascension.. As a Reiki Master/Teacher, Galactic Shaman, channel, intuitive healer, and ascension guide, I act as a vessel to channel the healing and messages that are necessary for your personal healing journey. You have come to this page for a reason and you are meant to be here. See, your guides are already hard at work! I would be honored and blessed to work with you. In love and light!” ~Michelle

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