Eir Atla, ND, RD | Atla Astrology

I wholeheartedly recommend Eir, ND, RD of Atla Astrology! Eir (pronounced EYE-ur) Atla is an Intuitive goddess who holds the keys to Cosmic Wellness. Eir has the ability to dive deep into your Cosmic Blueprint, dig up the root cause of your hormonal imbalances, and guide you to radiant health & wellness. Eir is the owner of Atla Astrology, where she practices Medical Astrology, AstroHerbalism, and AstroNutrition.

Eir has supported me through her readings. She’s provided me with in-depth health insight and thorough details of my Cosmic Blueprint. Eir is an incredible resource! - Jess Marie 🌻

more about eir

Eir holds three degrees in Herbalism, two in Medical Astrology, one in Naturopathy, and one in Nursing. She combines all that knowledge, and 21 years of practice as an Registered Nurse, to provide whole body, holistic care, and health coaching to her clients.

She’s a healer of the body, mind, and soul through the power of the Cosmos. Her specialty is women’s health with hormonal imbalances and struggles, who want to have peaceful periods, enjoy fertility, and/or tranquil transitions to menopause. She has helped countless women restore balance to their hormones and, in turn, regain their health, have the children they always wanted, heal from PCOS/Endometriosis, return to peaceful periods, have tranquil transitions to menopause, and so much more. 

Eir Offerings ::

  • ‘Hormone Balance Through AstroNutrition’ eBook - Download

  • ‘Your Sun and Your Health’ eBook - Download

  • Published Book: ‘Living a Lunar Life: Tracking Your Cycle via the Moon Phases’ - Learn More

🗓️ upcoming digital event

Soul-utions for Mental Health

Whole Being Nourishment for
Mind | Body | Spirit

Tuesday, August 13th - 3pm PST - 2hrs

Join us for an enlightening journey into the depths of mind, body, and spirit wellness. This exclusive webinar, a collaboration between Eir Atla of Atla Astrology and Jess Marie of the meraki method, is designed to provide you with practical insights & methods for holistic nourishment.

Dive into the essence of whole Being nourishment, where mind, body, and spirit intertwine. You’ll learn about:

  • Medical Astrology

  • AstroHerbalism

  • AstroNutrition

  • Vedic Counseling

  • Ayurvedic Health Counseling


  • Podcast: Alchemy, Astrology, And AstroHealth

    • Episode 88 - Medical Astrology and Mental Health - Listen

    • Episode 89 - The Sun's Role in Mental Health - Listen

    • Episode 90 - Soul Led Conversations with Jess Marie - Listen

    • Episode 91 - SOUL-utions to Mental Health - Listen

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