Christie Lorentz, HHP, MBSR-P | Mind Body Spirit Release

I wholeheartedly recommend Christie Lorentz, a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP) and Professional Mind Body Spirit Release (MBSR-P) Practitioner. She has a deep belief in the infinite potential that resides within every individual. She is a catalyst for change, guiding her clients to tap into their fullest potential by helping them release the blocks that hold them back, including negative cellular imprints from past experiences and trauma.

more about christie

Mind Body Spirit Release is a profoundly effective healing modality that can help you fast-track your way to whole-life healing.

Many clients have report having positive outcomes with:

  • Easing Pain: relief from distress and suffering & allieviate the potential causes

  • Emotional Regulation: releasing trapped emotions that your subconscious holds on to and acts as triggers impacting your behaviors

  • Breakthrough: experiencing freedom by breaking through limiting beliefs & traumatic stress

  • Love & Relationships: remove barriors to love & increase your ability to connect.

  • Healing Generations: it’s possible to heal your own energy as well as past & future generations

  • Propel Success: experience more abundance & open the door to prosperity.

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