Seasonal Sangha Series

journeying Through The Wheel of the Year

Seasonal Sangha Series - the meraki method

Integrate ancient wisdom with modern Self-Work in a supportive community.

Join this unique virtual Sangha as we weave together the wisdom of The Vedas, the transformative power of Alchemy, and the cyclical nature of The Wheel of the Year. This series of LIVE, virtual gatherings is designed to support your personal growth & spiritual development throughout the seasons. This sacred space allows for both personal introspection & group interaction, creating a rich, communal experience.


  • Eight LIVE, virtual sessions aligned with the eight Sabbats of The Wheel of the Year

  • Integration of Vedic wisdom, Spiritual Alchemy, and Self-Work

  • Supportive Sangha community for shared growth & connection

  • Practical tools & exercises for personal transformation

  • Seasonal rituals & practices to deepen your relationship with Self

what you’ll gain

  • Deep understanding of how ancient wisdom integrates into modern life

  • Practical tools for Self-Work & spiritual growth

  • A supportive community of like-minded individuals

  • Alignment with natural cycles for greater harmony & balance

  • Techniques to cultivate inner wisdom & intuition

Seasonal Sangha Series - the meraki method

the eight sabbats

  • The Winter Solstice, Yule, is celebrated as the longest night of the year, marked by rituals & festivities to welcome the return of the sun & the lengthening of days. Traditions often emphasize connecting with one’s Self, practicing gratitude, and embracing the darkness as a time of transformation & growth.

  • Imbolc marks the midpoint between The Winter Solstice & The Spring Equinox, symbolizing new beginnings, growth, and the return of light & warmth. Traditionally, it’s a time for purification and preparing the land for planting. Imbolc encourages reflection, renewal, and embracing the increasing daylight as winter transitions to spring.

  • Spring is celebrated as Ostara, The Spring Equinox, a time when day & night are of equal length, symbolizing the balance between light & dark. Ostara marks the moment when the light begins to prevail, heralding longer days and the promise of warmth & growth. This period of equilibrium serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of balance in one’s life, both externally in nature and internally within one’s Self. The Spring Equinox invites one to harmonize their energies, an opportunity to plant seeds—both literal & metaphorical—setting intentions for the future and embracing the potential for new beginnings. Ostara's energy encourages us to align with the natural rhythms of the earth, fostering a deeper connection to the cycles of growth and transformation that define our spiritual journey.

  • Beltane is a festival that marks the beginning of summer. It symbolizes fertility, growth, and the blossoming of life. People traditionally light bonfires, dance, and perform rituals to honor the Earth's energy & fertility during this time. It’s a time of joy, renewal, and connection with nature, encouraging all to embrace the vibrant energy of the season.

  • The significance of summer is celebrated during Litha, The Summer Solstice, marking the longest day of the year. This is a time of celebration, as the abundance of the natural world is at its peak. The energy of the sun is at its strongest, and one can tap into this energy to support their own growth & transformation.

  • Lammas, also known as Lughnasadh in Gaelic traditions, marks the first harvest festival of the year. It signifies the halfway point between The Summer Solstice & The Autumn Equinox. This festival honors the agricultural cycles of planting, growth, and harvesting, reminding us of the importance of gratitude for the abundance provided by the Earth. It’s a time for giving thanks for the bountiful harvest and preparing for the coming season of autumn & winter.

  • Mabon, also known as The Autumn Equinox, holds great significance as a time of balance & reflection. This celebration marks the midpoint between the summer & winter solstices. During Mabon, day & night are of equal length, symbolizing harmony & equilibrium. Many celebrate by giving thanks for the harvest, expressing gratitude, and preparing for the coming season of introspection & renewal.

  • Samhain is a significant festival, marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. It’s believed to be a time when the veil between the physical world & the spirit world is at its thinnest, allowing for easier communication & connection to ‘the other side’. Many people honor their ancestors, reflect on the past year, and prepare for the dark months ahead during this sacred time.






🎃 Samhain

Distilling Wisdom from the Veil Between Worlds

Date: Monday, October 28th
Time: 7pm to 8:30pm PST
Location: Virtual
Cost: $15

More Information & RSVP coming soon!
TBA :: Tuesday, October 10th 2024

What You Can Expect

  • Discover traditional Samhain correspondences & practice guidance

  • Uncover the hidden strengths of ancestral lineage through Vedic wisdom & practices

  • Explore corresponding Spiritual Alchemical concepts of personal metamorphosis

  • Learn Ayurvedic techniques to ground & nourish your Self during this potent Autumn time

  • Release old patterns and invite renewal into your life