Brenna Potter, Life Coach | Coaching to Confidence

I wholeheartedly recommend Brenna Potter, Certified Life Coach & Owner / Founder of Coaching to Confidence, LLC. Brenna is passionate about guiding young women through a transformative journey of Self-discovery. She specializes in empowering her clients to become the best version of themselves while creating a life they love.

Brenna is truly the perfect fit for young women on a path to discovering their true, authentic Self. - Jess Marie 🌻

more about brenna

Certified Life Coach, Brenna Potter is passionate about guiding young women through a transformative journey of self-discovery. With a focus on personal growth and topics such as self-love and self-compassion, she specializes in empowering her clients to become the best version of themselves while creating a life they love.

Brenna's inspiration for her coaching work comes from experience in her own healing journey. During her college years she underwent tremendous transformation stemming from experience with grief, loss, heartbreak, and a desire to find her faith. Through much self-discovery work on her own, and trial and error with a few different mental health practitioners, she was able to find a connection to something greater than herself which ultimately led her to discover the world of coaching. As she learned more about coaching she fell in love with the profession. She had always wanted to be in a helping profession but none had called to her the way coaching did. She knew she had to become a coach and believes that this work is what she is meant to do.

Today, as the proud owner of Coaching to Confidence, LLC, Brenna is dedicated to empowering young women as they navigate their own life's challenges, embrace personal growth, and gain confidence in the process. Her compassionate and empowering approach enables young women to discover their authentic selves, set their goals, and take action to create and live a life they love.

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