à la carte offerings


submit one question for one answer / response

With this affordable option, I offer personalized support to those who cannot become my counseling clients.

You'll receive a personalized written email response within 3 business days.

Note :: this service is not a substitute for a one-on-one counseling. Instead, consider this offering as a valuable opportunity to receive expert guidance on a specific Ayurveda &/or Yoga-related question.

If you have additional follow-up questions, you will kindly be asked to repeat the sign-up process and submit another payment.

ayurvedic constitution discovery session

Discover your unique Ayurvedic constitution, both your Biological & Psychological Doshic Profiles.

What to Expect ::

  1. Comprehensive Assessment: Through a detailed & comprehensive self assessment & my evaluation, we’ll delve into various aspects of your physical, mental, and emotional well-Being. This includes an in-depth analysis of your lifestyle, dietary habits, and overall health.

  2. Prakriti Determination: Uncover your inherent constitution (Prakriti) which is your unique combination of the doshas (Vata | Pitta | Kapha).

  3. Imbalance Identification: I’ll identify any existing imbalances of your doshas (Vikriti) and discuss how these imbalances may be influencing your current state of health. This insight is pivotal for crafting a personalized wellness plan.

Unlock the secrets of your inner balance, harmonize your mind and body, and pave the way for a life of vibrant well-Being. Embrace the wisdom of Ayurveda and embark on a journey toward optimal health.

If you decide you’d like to learn more and receive more guidance from me, I recommend becoming an official counseling client! ::

  1. Tailored Recommendations: Receive personalized recommendations for diet, lifestyle adjustments, and Self-care practices that align with your Ayurvedic constitution. These recommendations are designed to restore balance and promote overall harmony.

  2. Holistic Wellness Roadmap: Gain a holistic wellness roadmap that integrates Ayurvedic principles into your daily life. This roadmap serves as a guide to nurturing your unique constitution and achieving lasting well-Being.

  3. Ongoing Support: I’m committed to supporting you on your wellness journey. Receive guidance, resources, and the encouragement needed to implement positive changes in alignment with your Ayurvedic constitution.

prashna | divination session

Archetypal, elemental & intuitive oracle & tarot readings to gain insight into your specific intentions & focus, along with your psychological patterns, dharma and karma. Multi-deck divination reading to provide insight & clarity.

Within 3 business days of your session, you'll receive ::
- a detailed summary PDF with guidance & recommendations
- a photo of your reading spread
- discount code for future 60min session

The practice of intuitive divination is a powerful tool for Self Work. It allows individuals to access their inner wisdom, gain clarity on life's challenges, and explore the depths of their subconscious.