brand story :: the meraki method
Author :: Jess Marie Larrain, CVC, CAHC, INHC, RYT 🌻
In the vast field of health & wellness, I’ve emerged with a radiant presence as a multi-certified & multi-faceted Vedic professional & business consultant. Guided by my profound passion for holistic healing and a deep reverence for the wisdom of the Vedas, I’ve embarked on a journey to transform lives through the powerful magic of the meraki method.
From the very beginning of my career, I’ve found herself drawn to the interconnected realms of health & business. As I’ve nurtured countless individuals on their paths to alignment & attunement, I witnessed the transformative potential of embracing a holistic & integrative approach to healing. It became clear to me that reaching a state of optimal health & well-Being was a precious gift, and the Vedas provided a sacred foundation for this journey.
Within the sacred space of my Self Work practice, I pour my heart & soul into supporting others seeking to improve their overall health & wellness through Vedic wisdom. My mission is to inspire Self-awareness & Self-commitment, creating a haven for introspection, healing, and Self-realization. I aim to deepen my clients' understanding of their inner Being & existence, nurturing profound growth & inner harmony.
As the sunflower stands tall and turns its face towards the sun, I’ve embraced my own dharma: the meraki method. With unwavering dedication, I’ve committed my Self to providing support, guidance, and education as a Vedic professional, forever promoting Self Work & realization. I envision a world where the Vedas' sattvic vision would weave through the tapestry of people's lives, healing and harmonizing all.
On this journey, I’ve discovered another facet of my Being - a calling to serve entrepreneurs & professionals in the health, wellness, and spirituality fields. As I’ve delved into the realms of business consulting, my expertise in organizational development & operations management illuminated a new path for newly aligned clients. I became a beacon of light, ensuring professionals could focus solely on their higher purpose of nourishing the lives of others while their businesses & online presence thrived under my watchful care.
In my business, kindfulness is reigned supreme, where professionalism & innate organization flourish side by side. Every day, I diligently embrace my work with my magnificent work ethic never wavering. It’s a daily dance of structure & accountability, ensuring that every aspect of business flows harmoniously.
the meraki method is thriving, weaving a tapestry of healing, wisdom, and love. My dharma is being fulfilled as I continue to educate, empower, and inspire alignment within my clients, leaving a legacy of Vedic practices & integrative offerings that illuminate the path healing. With every heart I support, I hope to sow the seeds of Self transformation, leaving a lasting imprint on the Self.
This logo encapsulates my essence: a sunflower, strong & resilient, symbolizes the light I radiate into the lives of others. At its core, the Vedic symbol of the heart chakra reveals my love & compassion, enveloping all in its embrace. The lotus flower, surrounded by sprouts & triangles, represents growth, purity, and balance, mirroring the profound transformations that unfolded under my guidance.
Sunflower (सूर्यमुखी) :: knowledge & devotion
Standing tall & always facing towards the sun, sunflowers show us the beauty of staying connected with all that nourished & sustains us, all that gives us life. The sunflower is a symbol of everything that is positive. Sunflowers symbolize worship & faithfulness in various religions because of their resemblance to the sun, which is associated with spiritual knowledge & the desire to seek light & truth.
The sunflower is a powerful symbol of spiritual growth, faith, and devotion in Vedic culture. The sunflower is revered for its symbolism of spiritual knowledge, divine faith, and devotion. The sunflower is often associated with the sun, which represents the ultimate source of light & energy, and stands as a beacon of hope & positive energy. The sunflower's bright, radiant petals and large, circular shape are said to be reminiscent of the sun, representing the illuminating power of knowledge & the ability to spread light. Through its growth & transformation from a bud to a blooming flower, the sunflower represents the journey of the soul towards enlightenment. Its turning towards the sun also symbolizes the devotion of the devotee towards the divine, as well as the triumph of faith over doubt & darkness.
Through its center, the sunflower transmits a sense of movement. Sunflowers hold yantras at their center: powerful tools to help us achieve higher states of awareness that can also be used as a reminder to remain centered. On an even deeper level, a yantra represents the macrocosmic & microcosmic forces coming together in harmony; the constant push & pull to-&-from the center creates a dynamic that reminds us of the harmony and balance in nature.
Anahata (अनाहत) :: the Heart Chakra
In Vedic tradition, the anahata chakra symbolizes the heart center, which governs love, compassion, and empathy. The word "anahata" translates to "unstruck" or "unbeaten," referring to the pure, indescribable sound of the heart that can be heard when we silence the mind.
The anahata chakra is usually depicted as a green lotus with twelve petals, each representing a different quality that emerges from the heart center, such as peace, harmony, and forgiveness. In my logo, the petals are gold, that of a sunflower; I included the of symbology of both a sunflower & lotus flower since they represent the journey of the soul towards enlightenment & the triumph of darkness.
The anahata chakra also includes a hexagram symbol. The six points of the hexagram represent the six chakras below & above anahata, emphasizing the importance of balancing one's energies to properly activate this chakra. In Vedic tradition, the anahata chakra is associated with love, compassion, and emotional balance, making it a significant aspect of spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being.
The heart chakra is associated with the air element and the sense of touch, encouraging us to connect with others on a deeper level and experience a sense of belonging & interconnectedness in the world. When the anahata chakra is balanced, we can experience profound love for ourselves & others, leading to a greater sense of purpose & fulfillment in life.
Lotus (पद्म) :: transformation
The lotus flower holds deep spiritual significance in Vedic culture. It is considered a symbol of purity, enlightenment, and transcendence. The lotus is often depicted in Vedic art, with its roots embedded in mud, and a beautiful and pure flower rising above it. This symbolism represents the journey of the soul from ignorance & darkness to knowledge & pure consciousness.
The unfolding petals of the lotus flower is also a representation of the path towards spiritual evolution, as it represents the gradual unfolding of the human consciousness towards enlightenment.
The lotus flower is a powerful reminder of the human potential for transformation and the beauty that can arise from overcoming darkness.
triangle (त्रिकोण) :: balance & harmony
The triangle, "trikona" in Sanskrit, holds great significance in Vedic philosophy & spirituality. The triangle symbolizes the three main aspects of the Self: mind, body, and spirit. In Hinduism, the triangle is often associated with the sacred geometry of the Sri Yantra, a complex symbol used for meditation & manifestation. Beyond its spiritual meaning, the triangle is also a symbol of balance & harmony, as its three sides are equal & interconnected.
In my logo, there are two gold triangles of the anahata hexagram: the upward-facing triangle represents the masculine energy of Shiva, while the downward-facing triangle represents the feminine energy of Shakti. The intersection of these triangles symbolizes the union & harmony between these polar energies.
Triangle also represent the threefold nature of existence / the three energies of creation: Brahma (creator), Vishnu (preserver), and Shiva (destroyer), as well as the stages of spiritual evolution: waking state, dream state, and deep sleep. The triangle serves as a powerful reminder to strive for balance & harmony in all aspects of life.
Jess Marie 🌻
Jess is a multi-certified, multi-faceted Vedic professional & business consultant. She offers wellness offerings to support those seeking a more holistic & integrative approach to healing, as well as business support services for professionals in the health, wellness & spirituality fields.