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Integrative Psychology :: ancient disciplines for modern mental health support

Author :: Jess Marie 🌻 CVC, CAHC, INHC, E-RYT

In the realm of holistic healing & mental well-Being, several ancient disciplines offer profound insights & practices to support individuals on their journey to mental & emotional balance. Among these disciplines, Yoga Psychology & Ayurvedic Psychology, and the combination of the two (Vedic Counseling), stand out for their unique approaches & contributions. Although distinct in their origins & methodologies, these three disciplines share common roots and can be integrated to provide comprehensive support & guidance for mental health. There is a strong connection between Yoga Psychology, Ayurvedic Psychology, and Vedic Counseling, as well as their unique differences, similarities, and the potential benefits of their integration.

Yoga Psychology: Understanding the Mind-Body Connection

Yoga Psychology, rooted in the ancient texts of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, dives into the intricacies of the mind and its influence on overall well-Being. It explores the various dimensions of the mind, including thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, and offers practices such as asana (physical postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), and dhyana (meditation) to cultivate Self-awareness and develop a harmonious mind-body connection. Yoga Psychology recognizes that mental & emotional imbalances can manifest as physical ailments and seeks to address the root causes through holistic practices.

Ayurvedic Psychology: Balancing the Doshas for Mental Well-being

Ayurvedic Psychology, an integral part of the ancient Indian system of medicine Ayurveda, views mental health through the lens of the three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. It recognizes that imbalances in these doshas can lead to mental and emotional disturbances. Ayurvedic Psychology aims to restore balance by identifying an individual's unique constitution and offering personalized lifestyle modifications, dietary recommendations, herbal remedies, and therapeutic practices such as Yoga, meditation, and Ayurvedic treatments. By addressing the physical, mental, and energetic aspects of an individual, Ayurvedic Psychology promotes holistic healing and mental well-Being.

Vedic Counseling: Integrating Ancient Wisdom into Modern mental health

Vedic Counseling draws upon the wisdom of the ancient texts of the Vedas. Vedic Counseling combines elements of Yoga Psychology, Ayurvedic Psychology, and other Vedic sciences to provide holistic guidance & support for individuals seeking mental health healing, as well as personal & spiritual growth. Vedic Counseling recognizes the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit and offers a holistic approach to healing. It integrates ancient practices, such as mantra chanting, meditation, self-inquiry, and rituals, with modern therapeutic techniques to address psychological challenges and facilitate spiritual transformation.


While Yoga Psychology, Ayurvedic Psychology & Vedic Counseling are distinct approaches, they can be combined to provide a powerful & holistic approach to mental health & well-Being. By combining the practices of each discipline, such as dhyana of Yoga, personalized lifestyle modifications of Ayurveda, and wisdom insights of Vedic Counseling, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of their Self & unique needs, and develop a personalized approach to mental health & well-Being.

By combining the practices of these three disciplines, individuals can develop a comprehensive approach to mental health & well-Being that takes into account their unique needs & constitution. This approach emphasizes the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit, and provides a powerful toolkit for transforming the mind and promoting optimal mental health & well-Being.

other incorporated disciplines

  • Alchemical Psychology :: Alchemical Psychology is a discipline that draws on the ancient wisdom of alchemy to explore the transformative power of the psyche. In the context of psychology, alchemy refers to the process of transforming the Self from a state of psychological immaturity to one of spiritual maturity. Alchemical Psychology can be understood as viewing the psyche as a laboratory in which the alchemical process can unfold. It recognizes that the psyche is not fixed but can be transformed through conscious effort & awareness. Alchemical Psychology draws on the symbolism of alchemy to explore the archetypal patterns & symbolic language of the psyche.

  • Transpersonal / Spiritual Psychology :: Transpersonal Psychology, also known as Spiritual Psychology, seeks to integrate spiritual & mystical experiences into the study of human psychology. Transpersonal Psychology recognizes that human Beings are not simply physical, emotional, and mental entities, but also spiritual Beings capable of experiencing transcendent states of consciousness. Transpersonal Psychology draws on the insights of ancient wisdom & modern psychology to explore the full range of human experience. It recognizes that spiritual experiences such as mystical states, near-death experiences, and other peak experiences can have profound effects on mental health and well-Being.

  • Integrative Health Psychology :: Integrative Health Psychology is a holistic approach to mental health that combines principles from both psychology & alternative medicine. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of mind & body, and aims to promote overall well-Being by addressing physical, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects of health. Integrative Health Psychology considers the interplay between biological, psychological, and social factors in understanding & addressing mental health issues. It emphasizes the importance of treating the whole Being, promoting empowerment, and embracing multidisciplinary collaboration.

Integration of these disciplines into counseling is essential for a comprehensive understanding of human nature

The connection between all of these disciplines offers a rich tapestry of wisdom, practices, and insights to support individuals on their journey to mental & emotional well-Being. While each discipline has its unique contributions, their integration provides a holistic & personalized approach that addresses the complexities of the human mind and supports individuals in their quest for healing, Self-discovery, and personal growth.

  • They all focus on spiritual transformation and the integration of ancient wisdom & modern psychology.

  • All recognize that the mind is not simply a product of the brain but is a field of consciousness that transcends the physical body.

  • They recognize that the human psyche is a complex & multidimensional entity that can be transformed through conscious effort & awareness.

Integrating & combining the principles & practices of these ancient disciplines, I hold sacred space to create a harmonious synergy that enhances mental health support & facilitates the transformation of consciousness.

post Sources

The following website provide many resources for prospective clients, students, & professionals ::

  • American Institute of Vedic Studies (Link)

  • Association for Transpersonal Psychology (Link)

  • International Journal of Yoga - Philosophy, Psychology and Parapsychology (Link)

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